7 Things You Didn’t Know About Polyethylene Foam Tape

Foam Tape will provide a variety of bonding and sealing solutions for a wide range of different applications. Foam tapes are offered in a various high-strength, resilient materials, including polyethylene, neoprene, acrylic, and polyurethane foam. [Read More]

6 Applications for 3M Dual Lock Reclosable Fasteners with Adhesive

3M Dual Lock Reclosable Fasteners are positive-locking, blind fasteners designed for attaching automotive trim components. The products feature mushroom-shaped polyolefin stems that snap together, forming a high tensile strength closure. Dual Lock Reclosable Fasteners are used primarily [Read More]

5 Benefits of BSR & NVH Tapes to Eliminate Sound and Vibration

Buzz, squeak, and rattle [BSR] along with noise, vibration, and harshness [NVH] is caused by unintentional contact or vibration between components. BSR & NVH problems occur when two components vibrate and grind against each other [Read More]

8 Application Solutions for the Automotive & Transportation Markets offered by Adherex

Adherex Group and brands Cutting Edge Converted Products and SpecBond have built a reputation for excellence by having exceptional market and application knowledge allowing us to understand customer specifications in order to provide a cost-effective [Read More]

Adhesive Bonding to Low Surface Energy Substrates

Most pressure sensitive adhesives do not bond well to low energy surfaces. In the past, Low Surface Energy [LSE] plastics such as TPO, PP, and HDPE had to be mechanically attached or welded together. However, [Read More]

Aerospace Composite Bonding & Release Breaker Tape

This multipurpose high performance product is commonly used in the aerospace and wider composite industries for vacuum bagging, resin infusion, and pre-preg processes where it is used for holding bagging consumables in place, joining temporary [Read More]

On This Memorial Day

Let us remember the sacrifice of the men and women of our armed forces who have lost their lives in service to our country.Today, we remember the courage displayed by some of the Heroes of [Read More]

Adhesive Tapes for Demanding Mounting Applications

SpecBond, Inc has built a reputation for excellence by having exceptional market and application knowledge allowing us to understand customer specifications in order for us to provide the optimal solution for any given application. SpecBond, [Read More]

6 Value Added Services offered by SpecBond

1. Product Development – SpecBond provides custom product development for the most demanding applications. We have strong technical expertise and market knowledge along with strong relationships with raw material suppliers providing you a dependable solution [Read More]

Foam Tapes for Medical Applications

Product design can be a challenging journey when developing a product construction for medical applications. There are many substrates to choose from as well as adhesive offerings that are skin friendly for direct skin contact [Read More]